Free Slogan Maker

Use our free online slogan maker to generate the perfect new catchy slogan or tagline to add a little marketing punch to your business.

Enter a word that you want in slogan


Does Your Business Need a Slogan?

What do you think of when you hear the words “Subway”, “Nike”, or “McDonalds”?

If you’re like us, you think “eat fresh”, “just do it”, and “I’m lovin’ it”.

Just like a logo or a brand name, slogans are catchy, easy-to-remember phrases that irrevocably attached to a brand’s identity. But more so than other branding elements, slogans give us a peek into the unique selling proposition of the business. “Eat fresh” indicates that Subway is healthy. “Just do it” reveals the determination that Nike’s athletic ware represents. And “I’m lovin’ it” is a tribute to the tastiness of McDonald’s food.

Your business, too, would likely benefit from a slogan. You can use our generator above to get ideas, and we’ll give you some tips for choosing the perfect slogan below.

How to Use Our Free Online Slogan Maker

It’s really easy — just think of a phrase or word that you want to include in the slogan. Choose nouns that are unique to your business and its values (beauty, joy, health, mindfulness, affordability, etc).

Then click “Generate Slogans” and we’ll provide you with multiple lists of slogans to browse through. You can use the tips below to choose the perfect slogan for your business.

Tips For Choosing The Perfect Slogan

The first key to choosing a slogan for your business is to not overthink it.

For now, you just want to choose a short-and-sweet slogan that’s true to your business’ core values. But remember: you can always change it down the road if your business goes in a direction that you weren’t anticipating.

Here are 2 more tips...

  • Focus On Your Unique Selling Proposition — In most cases, it’s a good idea to create a slogan that emphasizes whatever makes your business unique. Are you healthier? Are you higher quality? Are you more affordable? Are you more enjoyable? Put that in your slogan!
  • Make it Memorable — The best slogans are memorable. And the easiest way to make your slogan memorable is to make it short, sweet, and catchy. You might also attach it to a musical jig so that people get it “stuck in their head.” Think of the slogans that are memorable to you and then try to emulate those qualities.
  • How to Use Your Business Slogan

    Now you have a business slogan. But when and how should you use it?

    We recommend using it everywhere that you can — under your logo on your website, at the end of podcast episodes, in advertisements, etc. Wherever your brand goes, your slogan should go, too.

    For slogans to become memorable, repetition is very important. So don’t be afraid to use your slogan over and over and over again!

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