Free Refund Policy Generator

Help your customers trust your website instantly. Generate a refund policy for your e-commerce site, SaaS, or online store

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What is a Return & Refund Policy?

Your refund policy is where you put your guidelines for how, when, and where customers can return your products or services and request refunds.

Typically, a refund policy will include information like…

  • How many days a customer has to return an item after the purchase date.
  • The conditions of the return (unused, unopened, etc).
  • Who has to pay for shipping.
  • The time it takes to issue a refund after the request is accepted.
  • Method of refund (store credit, cash, credit card, etc).
  • Do I Need a Refund Policy If I Don’t Want to Offer Refunds?

    Even if you don’t offer any refunds or returns, you should still share that information on your refund policy page.

    In fact, some states (like Florida) explicitly require you to post a refund policy if you’re not going to offer returns. So no matter what you want to do, you need to post a policy that is transparent about your refund and return guidelines.

    Our free refund policy generator above can help!

    Why Do You Need a Refund Policy?

    Having a refund and return policy is important because it creates transparency and builds trust with your customers, and also because it helps to clarify expectations.

    Naturally, you don’t want your customers thinking that they can return items whenever they want and for whatever reason — your refund policy sets the ground rules for how, when, and where refunds are appropriate.

    How to Use Our Free Online Refund Policy Generator

    It’s super easy!

    Just enter your company information and your website URL, then click “Send Me My Free Refund Policy.” Then you’ll be able to download your free refund and return policy, which will be customized based on the information you provided!

    Where Should You Put Your Refund Policy?

    Once you have your refund policy in hand, just copy and paste its content onto a page of your website. It’s a good idea to put your refund policy on your terms and conditions page and maybe even on its own dedicated page.

    Make sure that the refund policy is easy for visitors to access (we recommend putting a link in the footer of your website).

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